Notes about this site.
A. Images used were found on various publicly
accessible websites and are assumed to be in the public domain.
B. The pages are best viewed in 800x600 resolution with at least 256
colors. If colors and formatting are incorrect, the resolution and color depth are
other than this.
C. All facts on this site are derived from the following sources.
Where necessary, as this is an assignment for a history class, sources are cited by
their number and the page number of the quotation via a hyperlink..
1. Katz, Friedrich. The Life &
Times of Pancho Villa. Stanford: Stanford University Press. 1998.
2. Vanderwood, Paul J. Disorder and Progress; Bandits, Police,
and Mexican Development. Lincoln: University of
Nebraska Press.
3. Hart, John Mason. Revolutionary Mexico: The coming and
process of the Mexican Revolution. Berkeley: University of
California Press.
4. Knight, Alan. The Mexican Revolution. Lincoln:
University of Nebraska Press. 1986.